PyQt5 屏幕截图
2019-09-17 python 1994
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication,QWidget from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt,QPoint,QDateTime,QRectF,QRect from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter,QPalette,QPixmap,QColor,QBrush,QFont import sys def toRectF(rect): return QRectF( rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height() ) def toRect(rectF): return QRect( rectF.x(), rectF.y(), rectF.width(), rectF.height() ) def normalizeRect(rect): x = rect.x() y = rect.y() w = rect.width() h = rect.height() if w < 0: x = x + w w = -w if h < 0: y = y + h h = -h return QRectF(x, y, w, h) class WScreenshot(QWidget): u""" 截图 """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(parent) self.saveDir = u'D:/' self.saveName = u'W截图-{}'.format(QDateTime().currentDateTime().toString("yyyyMMdd-hh-mm-ss")) self.saveFormat = 'JPG' self.picQuality = 100 self.setWindowTitle(u'截图窗体') self.showFullScreen() # 全屏显示 self.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt.FramelessWindowHint) # 屏幕 和 屏幕信息 self.screen = QApplication.primaryScreen().grabWindow(QApplication.desktop().winId()) self.screenSize = self.screen.rect().size() self.screenRect = toRectF(self.screen.rect()) # -点 self.screenTopLeft = self.screenRect.topLeft() self.screenBottomLeft = self.screenRect.bottomLeft() self.screenTopRight = self.screenRect.topRight() self.screenBottomRight = self.screenRect.bottomRight() # -上下左右限 self.screenLeft = self.screenRect.left() self.screenRight = self.screenRect.right() self.screenTop = self.screenBottom = self.screenRect.bottom() # A:start(x,y) D:(x+w,y) # ----------------- # | | # | | # ----------------- # B:(x,y+h) C:end(x+w,y+h) # 设置 self.screen 为窗口背景 palette = QPalette() palette.setBrush(QPalette.Background, QBrush(self.screen)) self.setPalette(palette) # 调节器层 self.adjustment_original = QPixmap(self.screenSize) # 初始调节器 self.adjustment_original.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0, 64)) self.adjustment = QPixmap() # 调节器 # self.adjustment = self.adjustment_original.copy() # 调节器 # 画布层 self.canvas_original = QPixmap(self.screenSize) # 初始画布 self.canvas_original.fill(Qt.transparent) self.canvas_saved = self.canvas_original.copy() # 保存已经画好的图案 self.canvas = QPixmap() # 画布 # self.canvas = self.canvas_original.copy() # 画布 # self.canvas_saved = self.canvas.copy() # 输出 self.output = QPixmap() # 当前功能状态 self.isMasking = False self.hasMask = False self.isMoving = False self.isAdjusting = False self.isDrawing = False self.hasPattern = False self.mousePos = '' self.isShifting = False # 蒙版 和 蒙版信息 self.maskRect = QRectF() self.maskRect_backup = QRectF() # 以下 16 个变量随self.maskRect变化而变化 self.maskTopLeft = QPoint() self.maskBottomLeft = QPoint() self.maskTopRight = QPoint() self.maskBottomRight = QPoint() self.maskTopMid = QPoint() self.maskBottomMid = QPoint() self.maskLeftMid = QPoint() self.maskRightMid = QPoint() self.rectTopLeft = QRectF() self.rectBottomLeft = QRectF() self.rectTopRight = QRectF() self.rectBottomRight = QRectF() self.rectTop = QRectF() self.rectBottom = QRectF() self.rectLeft = QRectF() self.rectRight = QRectF() self.adjustmentLineWidth = 2 self.adjustmentWhiteDotRadius = 6 self.adjustmentBlueDotRadius = 4 = QColor(30, 120, 255) self.setCursor(Qt.CrossCursor) # 设置鼠标样式 十字 self.setMouseTracking(True) # 鼠标事件点 self.start = QPoint() self.end = QPoint() # self.test() def test(self): self.hasMask = True self.isMasking = True self.maskRect = QRectF(100, 100, 600, 800) self.updateMaskInfo() self.update() def toMask(self): rect = QRectF(self.start, self.end) if self.isShifting: x = rect.x() y = rect.y() w = rect.width() h = rect.height() absW = abs(w) absH = abs(h) wIsLonger = True if absW > absH else False if w > 0: if h > 0: end = QPoint(x + absW, y + absW) if wIsLonger else QPoint(x + absH, y + absH) else: end = QPoint(x + absW, y - absW) if wIsLonger else QPoint(x + absH, y - absH) else: if h > 0: end = QPoint(x - absW, y + absW) if wIsLonger else QPoint(x - absH, y + absH) else: end = QPoint(x - absW, y - absW) if wIsLonger else QPoint(x - absH, y - absH) rect = QRectF(self.start, end) self.maskRect = QRectF( rect.x() + min(rect.width(), 0), rect.y() + min(rect.height(), 0), abs(rect.width()), abs(rect.height()) ) # 修正超出屏幕、碰撞 if self.isShifting: self.fixCollision() self.updateMaskInfo() self.update() # 修复碰撞。针对 isShifting 的情况 def fixCollision(self): vector = self.end - self.start vX = vector.x() vY = vector.y() resStart = self.maskRect.topLeft() resEnd = self.maskRect.bottomRight() mLeft = self.maskRect.left() mRight = self.maskRect.right() mTop = mBottom = self.maskRect.bottom() # w < h if self.maskRect.left() <= self.screenLeft: newW = mRight - self.screenLeft if vY > 0: resStart = QPoint(self.screenLeft, mTop) resEnd = resStart + QPoint(newW, newW) else: resStart = resEnd + QPoint(-newW, -newW) elif self.maskRect.right() >= self.screenRight: newW = self.screenRight - mLeft if vY > 0: resEnd = resStart + QPoint(newW, newW) else: resEnd = QPoint(self.screenRight, mBottom) resStart = resEnd + QPoint(-newW, -newW) # w > h elif <= self.screenTop: newW = mBottom - self.screenTop if vX > 0: resStart = QPoint(mLeft, self.screenTop) resEnd = resStart + QPoint(newW, newW) else: resStart = resEnd + QPoint(-newW, -newW) elif self.maskRect.bottom() >= self.screenBottom: newW = self.screenBottom - mTop if vX > 0: resEnd = resStart + QPoint(newW, newW) else: resEnd = QPoint(mRight, self.screenBottom) resStart = resEnd + QPoint(-newW, -newW) self.maskRect = QRectF(resStart, resEnd) def toAdjust(self): mRect = self.maskRect_backup mStart = mRect.topLeft() mStartX = mStart.x() mStartY = mStart.y() mEnd = mRect.bottomRight() mEndX = mEnd.x() mEndY = mEnd.y() resStart = mStart resEnd = mEnd if not self.isShifting: if self.mousePos == 'TL': resStart = self.end elif self.mousePos == 'BL': resStart = QPoint(self.end.x(), mStartY) resEnd = QPoint(mEndX, self.end.y()) elif self.mousePos == 'TR': resStart = QPoint(mStartX, self.end.y()) resEnd = QPoint(self.end.x(), mEndY) elif self.mousePos == 'BR': resEnd = self.end elif self.mousePos == 'T': resStart = QPoint(mStartX, self.end.y()) elif self.mousePos == 'B': resEnd = QPoint(mEndX, self.end.y()) elif self.mousePos == 'L': resStart = QPoint(self.end.x(), mStartY) elif self.mousePos == 'R': resEnd = QPoint(self.end.x(), mEndY) else: print(self.mousePos) if self.mousePos == 'T': resStart = QPoint(mStartX, self.end.y()) newW = mEndY - self.end.y() resEnd = resStart + QPoint(newW, newW) elif self.mousePos == 'B': newW = self.end.y() - mStartY resEnd = resStart + QPoint(newW, newW) elif self.mousePos == 'L': resStart = QPoint(self.end.x(), mStartY) newW = mEndX - self.end.x() resEnd = resStart + QPoint(newW, newW) elif self.mousePos == 'R': newW = self.end.x() - mStartX resEnd = resStart + QPoint(newW, newW) elif self.mousePos == 'TL': newW = mEndX - self.end.x() newH = mEndY - self.end.y() newW = newW if newW > newH else newH resStart = resEnd + QPoint(-newW, -newW) elif self.mousePos == 'BR': newW = self.end.x() - mStartX newH = self.end.y() - mStartY newW = newW if newW > newH else newH resEnd = resStart + QPoint(newW, newW) elif self.mousePos == 'TR': newW = self.end.x() - mStartX newH = mEndY - self.end.y() newW = newW if newW > newH else newH resStart = mRect.bottomLeft() resEnd = resStart + QPoint(newW, -newW) elif self.mousePos == 'BL': newW = mEndX - self.end.x() newH = self.end.y() - mStartY newW = newW if newW > newH else newH resStart = mRect.topRight() resEnd = resStart + QPoint(-newW, newW) self.maskRect = normalizeRect(QRectF(resStart, resEnd)) self.fixCollision() self.updateMaskInfo() self.update() def toMove(self): mStart = self.maskRect_backup.topLeft() mStartX = mStart.x() mStartY = mStart.y() mEnd = self.maskRect_backup.bottomRight() mEndX = mEnd.x() mEndY = mEnd.y() mWidth = self.maskRect_backup.width() mHeight = self.maskRect_backup.height() mWHPoint = QPoint(mWidth, mHeight) vector = self.end - self.start vX = vector.x() vY = vector.y() resStart = mStart + vector resStartX = resStart.x() resStartY = resStart.y() resEnd = mEnd + vector resEndX = resEnd.x() resEndY = resEnd.y() if resStartX <= self.screenLeft and resStartY <= self.screenTop: resStart = self.screenTopLeft resEnd = resStart + mWHPoint elif resEndX >= self.screenRight and resEndY >= self.screenBottom: resEnd = self.screenBottomRight resStart = resEnd - mWHPoint elif resStartX <= self.screenLeft and resEndY >= self.screenBottom: resStart = QPoint(self.screenLeft, self.screenBottom - mHeight) resEnd = resStart + mWHPoint elif resEndX >= self.screenRight and resStartY <= self.screenTop: resStart = QPoint(self.screenRight - mWidth, self.screenTop) resEnd = resStart + mWHPoint elif resStartX <= self.screenLeft: resStart = QPoint(self.screenLeft, mStartY + vY) resEnd = resStart + mWHPoint elif resStartY <= self.screenTop: resStart = QPoint(mStartX + vX, self.screenTop) resEnd = resStart + mWHPoint elif resEndX >= self.screenRight: resEnd = QPoint(self.screenRight, mEndY + vY) resStart = resEnd - mWHPoint elif resEndY >= self.screenBottom: resEnd = QPoint(mEndX + vX, self.screenBottom) resStart = resEnd - mWHPoint self.maskRect = normalizeRect(QRectF(resStart, resEnd)) self.updateMaskInfo() self.update() def mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent): if QMouseEvent.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.start = QMouseEvent.pos() self.end = self.start if self.hasMask: self.maskRect_backup = self.maskRect if self.mousePos == 'mask': self.isMoving = True else: self.isAdjusting = True else: self.isMasking = True if QMouseEvent.button() == Qt.RightButton: if self.isMasking or self.hasMask: self.isMasking = False self.hasMask = False self.maskRect = QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0) self.updateMaskInfo() self.update() else: self.close() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent): if QMouseEvent.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.isMasking = False self.isMoving = False self.isAdjusting = False self.isDrawing = False def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent): if QMouseEvent.button() == Qt.LeftButton: if self.mousePos == 'mask': self.close() def mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent): pos = QMouseEvent.pos() self.end = pos if self.isMasking: self.hasMask = True self.toMask() elif self.isMoving: self.toMove() elif self.isAdjusting: self.toAdjust() # 设置鼠标样式 if self.isDrawing: pass else: if self.hasMask: if self.isMoving: self.setCursor(Qt.SizeAllCursor) if self.isAdjusting: pass else: self.setMouseShape(pos) else: self.mousePos = '' self.setCursor(Qt.CrossCursor) # 设置鼠标样式 十字 def setMouseShape(self, pos): # 设置鼠标样式 if self.rectTopLeft.contains(pos): self.setCursor(Qt.SizeFDiagCursor) self.mousePos = 'TL' elif self.rectBottomLeft.contains(pos): self.setCursor(Qt.SizeBDiagCursor) self.mousePos = 'BL' elif self.rectBottomRight.contains(pos): self.setCursor(Qt.SizeFDiagCursor) self.mousePos = 'BR' elif self.rectTopRight.contains(pos): self.setCursor(Qt.SizeBDiagCursor) self.mousePos = 'TR' elif self.rectLeft.contains(pos): self.setCursor(Qt.SizeHorCursor) self.mousePos = 'L' elif self.rectTop.contains(pos): self.setCursor(Qt.SizeVerCursor) self.mousePos = 'T' elif self.rectBottom.contains(pos): self.setCursor(Qt.SizeVerCursor) self.mousePos = 'B' elif self.rectRight.contains(pos): self.setCursor(Qt.SizeHorCursor) self.mousePos = 'R' elif self.maskRect.contains(pos): self.setCursor(Qt.SizeAllCursor) self.mousePos = 'mask' def updateMaskInfo(self): # 蒙版点 self.maskTopLeft = self.maskRect.topLeft() self.maskBottomLeft = self.maskRect.bottomLeft() self.maskTopRight = self.maskRect.topRight() self.maskBottomRight = self.maskRect.bottomRight() self.maskTopMid = (self.maskTopLeft + self.maskTopRight) / 2 self.maskBottomMid = (self.maskBottomLeft + self.maskBottomRight) / 2 self.maskLeftMid = (self.maskTopLeft + self.maskBottomLeft) / 2 self.maskRightMid = (self.maskTopRight + self.maskBottomRight) / 2 # 除蒙版区外的 8 个区域 self.rectTopLeft = QRectF(self.screenTopLeft, self.maskTopLeft) self.rectBottomLeft = QRectF(self.screenBottomLeft, self.maskBottomLeft) self.rectTopRight = QRectF(self.screenTopRight, self.maskTopRight) self.rectBottomRight = QRectF(self.screenBottomRight, self.maskBottomRight) self.rectTop = QRectF(QPoint(self.maskRect.left(), self.screenTop), self.maskTopRight) self.rectBottom = QRectF(self.maskBottomLeft, QPoint(self.maskRect.right(), self.screenBottom)) self.rectLeft = QRectF(QPoint(self.screenLeft,, self.maskBottomLeft) self.rectRight = QRectF(self.maskTopRight, QPoint(self.screenRight, self.maskRect.bottom())) def paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent): painter = QPainter() # 开始在 画布层 上绘画。如果正在绘画,绘制图案, 否则不绘制 if self.isDrawing: if self.hasPattern: self.canvas = self.canvas_saved.copy() else: self.canvas = self.canvas_original.copy() painter.begin(self.canvas) self.paintCanvas(painter) painter.end() # 把 画布层 绘画到窗口上 painter.begin(self) painter.drawPixmap(self.screenRect, self.canvas) painter.end() # 开始在 空白调节器层 上绘画。如果有蒙版,绘制调节器形状, 否则不绘制 else: self.adjustment = self.adjustment_original.copy() painter.begin(self.adjustment) self.paintAdjustment(painter) painter.end() # 把 调节器层 绘画到窗口上 painter.begin(self) painter.drawPixmap(toRect(self.screenRect), self.adjustment) painter.end() def paintAdjustment(self, painter): if self.hasMask: painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True) # 反走样 painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) # 在蒙版区绘制屏幕背景 painter.setBrush(QBrush(self.screen)) painter.drawRect(self.maskRect) # 绘制线框 lineWidth = self.adjustmentLineWidth painter.setBrush( painter.drawRect( QRectF( self.maskTopLeft + QPoint(-lineWidth, -lineWidth), self.maskTopRight + QPoint(lineWidth, 0)) ) painter.drawRect( QRectF( self.maskBottomLeft + QPoint(-lineWidth, 0), self.maskBottomRight + QPoint(lineWidth, lineWidth) ) ) painter.drawRect( QRectF( self.maskTopLeft + QPoint(-lineWidth, -lineWidth), self.maskBottomLeft + QPoint(0, lineWidth) ) ) painter.drawRect( QRectF( self.maskTopRight + QPoint(0, -lineWidth), self.maskBottomRight + QPoint(lineWidth, lineWidth) ) ) if self.maskRect.width() > 150 and self.maskRect.height() > 150: # 绘制点 points = [ self.maskTopLeft, self.maskTopRight, self.maskBottomLeft, self.maskBottomRight, self.maskLeftMid, self.maskRightMid, self.maskTopMid, self.maskBottomMid ] # -白点 whiteDotRadiusPoint = QPoint(self.adjustmentWhiteDotRadius, self.adjustmentWhiteDotRadius) painter.setBrush(Qt.white) for point in points: painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(point - whiteDotRadiusPoint, point + whiteDotRadiusPoint)) # -蓝点 blueDotRadius = QPoint(self.adjustmentBlueDotRadius, self.adjustmentBlueDotRadius) painter.setBrush( for point in points: painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(point - blueDotRadius, point + blueDotRadius)) # 绘制尺寸 maskSize = (abs(int(self.maskRect.width())), abs(int(self.maskRect.height()))) painter.setFont(QFont('Monaco', 7, QFont.Bold)) painter.setPen(Qt.transparent) # 透明获得字体Rect textRect = painter.drawText( QRectF(self.maskTopLeft.x() + 10, self.maskTopLeft.y() - 25, 100, 20), Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter, '{} x {}'.format(*maskSize) ) painter.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 128)) # 黑底 padding = 5 painter.drawRect( QRectF( textRect.x() - padding, textRect.y() - padding * 0.4, textRect.width() + padding * 2, textRect.height() + padding * 0.4 ) ) painter.setPen(Qt.white) painter.drawText( textRect, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter, '{} x {}'.format(*maskSize) ) painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) def paintCanvas(self, painter): pass def keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent): if QKeyEvent.key() == Qt.Key_Escape: self.close() if QKeyEvent.key() == Qt.Key_Return or QKeyEvent.key() == Qt.Key_Enter: # 大键盘、小键盘回车 if self.hasMask: self.close() if QKeyEvent.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier: self.isShifting = True def keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent): if QKeyEvent.key() == Qt.Key_Shift: self.isShifting = False def save(self): self.output = self.screen.copy() if self.hasPattern: painter = QPainter(self.output) painter.drawPixmap(self.canvas) self.output = self.output.copy(toRect(self.maskRect)) u'{saveDir}/{saveName}.{format}'.format( saveDir=self.saveDir.rstrip('/'), saveName=self.saveName, format=self.saveFormat.lower() ), self.saveFormat, self.picQuality ) if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication.instance() or QApplication(sys.argv) win = WScreenshot() app.exec_()
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